visual designer & researcher

The project milanonera illustrates the territory of Milan and its neighborhoods through the analysis of the historical events related to the Ligera - the Milanese underworld - and its main characters, between 1945 and 1960.
The intent is to focus the connections between the context and the players of this historical period with the changes that occurred in the city. In this way, observing the events of the past and comparing them with today, we can discover interesting details of Milan and its habits that otherwise could hardly be understood.
To offer a wider and detailed view, we chose to build the project through multiple levels of communication, according to the different media used. We designed a multimedia long-form, four posters, a map, QR-codes stickers and an Instagram profile. The multimedia long-form, the core of the project, contains the narration of the events, enriched by photographic material taken from relevant city archives (for example “La Notte” archive, Giancolombo Archive, Farabola Archive), newspaper news of that time, voiceovers, quotes from criminals and so on.
Project designed in collaboration with Ester Balzarotti, Mattia Zanardi, Lara Marino and Gabriel Byrne.